Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc.
The LGBTQISA2ss+ Pride Activities, and Social Events Center of Elmira, NY.
The only Church in Central New York founded and fostered by the GLBTQSIA2ss+ community for 39 years. October 31, 2022 - 39th Anniversary now in our 40th year in Ministry.
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Posted here are the approved minutes of our monthly Council Meeting for September, 2017.  The monthly minutes are our monthly newsletter so everyone is up to date on where we stand.  Do notice we have some financial needs at this time.  Use your scroll button on your mouse or on the screen to read the minutes.  Use your back arrow or click on "The Council Minutes and Agendas" link in the left side navigation bar to return to the Council Agenda and Minutes Index page.
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  Ray Of Hope Church Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc.

Approved Minutes

September 1, 2017

380 W. First Street Elmira NY

7:00 p.m.

All are welcome




Council Members present were:

           Rev. Shawn F. Benedict - Appointed Pastor        

           Veronica Floyd - Moderator(1/2019)

           Lisa Frost- Corp.Treasurer (1/2018)



Council Members absent were:   None


Ray of Hope Church Members and Friends present:  Cheryl Allen, Steve Decker


Meeting called to order at 7:14 pm by Veronica Floyd    

Opening Prayer offered by Lisa Frost          

Motion to approve:  Br. Benedict    second   Lisa Frost  

Vote:    3   in favor-0 against-    0- abstain        

2.  REVIEW & APPROVE Minutes of July 28th, 2017 Council Meeting
Motion to approve: Lisa Frost   second    Br. Benedict

Vote:  3    in favor- 0 against  0-abstain.   



(Veronica Floyd)-  Thanks to God for all his Grace and Mercy.  I ask that we all continue to see guidance from the Holy Spirit on what and how we should be advancing the ministry at Ray of Hope for the Glory of God.  It takes all of us so please attend Council meetings so we can have an open forum and discussion.


            Nominating Committee Report:  No one expressed interest in being elected to the Council.  Lisa Frost is up for re-election to the Council.   We are currently out of compliance with our Bylaws with Council members serving multiple terms of office.  However we continue to be willing to serve to help ensure that the work of the Lord is moving forward because no one else has come forward and been willing to do so.  Please consider serving on a committee of the Council to assist.  We need your assistance! 

The date of the semi annual meeting is Sunday September 24th after worship at the Chapel.


2. VICE MODERATOR’S REPORT:  No Vice Moderator at this time           


3. TREASURER'S  REPORT:  (Lisa Frost) —   Credit card account sold created situation with new due date that led to an overdraft fee back in July. This has been resolved. 

Please note :  We are not keeping pace with the Approved budget and the treasurer has had to dip into reserves to pay current expenses. 

YTD Income of $23798 through August, YTD Expenses of $26,217 for a negative cash flow of $2757. 

(Moderator comments – As members we are all responsible for the financial sustainability of our church and keeping pace with the budget we voted on and approved in January.  We provide a great service for the Glory of God here at Ray of Hope, let’s do all we can to support it. )


Building Improvement Fund balance of $4300.04 is currently due $400 which was transferred to pay the Pastor which is a weekly priority.  The treasurer will move money between accounts when necessary to ensure that priority expenses are taken care of.  It is always reported and documented in our quickbook registers as well as noted in the Council minutes.

Pending payments: The second installment of the garbage fees is due on September 15th in the amount of $275.  Also pending payment of liturgical supplies for $135.10 to ME Burgess and the $59 Copyright license fee is coming due.

Syracuse loan balance is currently $20,358.44.  Thanks goes to Frank Ward for making the payment of $427.13 again this month.



4. CLERK'S REPORT: ( ) – We need an official clerk on the Council as currently multiple members are sharing the reporting, recording, and all other duties of the clerk.


5. APPOINTED PASTOR REPORT: (Rev. Benedict)—    Participating in World Communion service on October 1st at North Presbyterian Church.  Three sets of choir music ordered.  Have been attending Elmira Clergy meetings and will be chairing the Inter religions all city Thanksgiving service on November 19th.

Many hospital visits this month.

Thanks to Cheryl Allen for the banner donation which can be seen in picture on home page of the church website. We also received donations for 3 Scofield Bibles from Cheryl Allen, Lisa Frost and Veronica Floyd.

We are changing things up in the worship space thanks to Charlotte Allen’s donation of furniture. ( 1 couch, 2 chairs, and a lift chair donated)  The chairs in the chapel have been put away and we are trying a living room set up. Jane Mc Dermott donated $21.00 for hardware used to repair some of the chapel furnishings.

Servants of the Eucharist pins purchased and those commissioned will be authorized to wear them with their stoles when in Hospitals, etc.  A donation of $25 is being asked of each to cover the cost of the stoles and pins. Checks to be sent to Lisa Frost.

The servants of the Eucharist will receive Pastoral attention and instruction via a Skype meeting in the future at least twice a year.  A certificate of License will be issued each year. 

Reviewed options for purchasing choir robes which are very much needed when we participate with other choirs at events.  Due to financial situation, we need to continue to review our options.



6. VOCATIONAL MINSTRY TRAINING PROGRAM-(Rev. Benedict)—   No new applications at this time.


MOTION TO APPROVE OFFICER’S REPORT’S :  Br. Benedict  Second  Lisa Frost                                                                                                                         


Vote:     3   in favor-0  against- 0 abstain   



1. Ithaca Bible Study- 
     Inactive status


2. Syracuse  -     No new updates


3.  Southern Tier Extension

As for the status of the LGBT Social group – continuing to meet however original group leader has decided to step back from the group at this time.   We thank Oshara for organizing the group and getting it off the ground.


IV. Committee Reports of Ray of Hope Church:


1. St. Benedict of Nursia Memorial Library Committee:  Many thanks to Lisa Frost for transferring VCR tapes from our church library onto DVDs.  This is a very important project for the future teaching ministry of Ray Of Hope Church because we have recently discovered the VCR tapes are disintegrating and in time will not be useable.  Additionally, much of the materials we are transferring are no longer available in any format for repurchasing.  This project will likely be around 200 VCR tapes and will take many months to complete.  Donations to the Library fund  welcome from anyone to help with the purchase the blank DVDs and hard plastic cases.  Remember, all donations are tax deductible.


2.  Pride Month Committee (June 2018) – No new updates


3. Building Reports:  

            Elmira Building:  Door project on hold.  Need to complete historical commission application.  Received one quote for the repair from Rev. Arthur Reed.


4. Corporation Fundraising:   


5.. Westcott Street Fair:   September 2017 – Rob Bacon coordinating a yard sale in the Wescott area. Deadline for items to be sent to Robb Bacon is September 9th for September 15th &16th garage sale.


6. 501(c)(3):   


7. Technology Report:  No new updates


8. Pastoral Search Committee: No new updates


Motion to approve the committee reports:  Veronica Floyd  Second  Br. Benedict

Vote: 3  in favor, 0 – against, 0 - abstain



Motions 6,8 were tabled at 4/26/2013 meeting due to time constraints.


MOTION # 6 -

MOTION: I, Michael Quinnell, move that a new outdoor faucet be installed on the east side of the building at 380 W 1st Street, Elmira.


RATIONALE: Currently the exterior faucet is located on the west (Davis Street) side of the building. Placing a faucet on the opposite side of the building would decrease the possibility of vandalism (water being turned on) and would facilitate outdoor activities by being located closer to where the activities would be occurring (i.e. watering gardens).


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I spoke with John McGee who, as I understood him to say, was not necessarily interested in bidding on this project but felt that it would be easier and less expensive for us to install a new faucet and disable the old one (remove faucet knob, shut off that pipe’s water).


Respectfully submitted, Michael Quinnell



MOTION # 8 -

MOTION: I, Michael Quinnell, move that carpet be removed and the flooring repaired in the Frasier Fellowship Room in the building on the 380 W 1st Street, Elmira.


RATIONALE: The carpet, in its current condition, is unsafe. It has bare spots, in which some of the nails underneath stick upward; and it frequently unravels, creating a tripping hazard.




Respectfully submitted, Michael Quinnell




Motion 1.   The Council moves to accept the nomination slate of Lisa Frost to be presented to the Congregation for re-election at the semi annual meeting per the recommendation of the nominating committee.

Second:  Br. Benedict

Vote:      3  in favor-   against-   abstain   


VII. Comments/Remarks from those in attendance: 


VIII. Prayer  - offered by  Veronica Floyd


IX. Meeting adjourned  -     9:53 pm


Respectfully submitted to Historical Record.   Veronica Floyd, Moderator September 2017